Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To Boldly Go

Those who remember the T.V. series Star Trek remember Captain Kirk's words "to boldly go where no man has gone before". Today I have entered into the world of blogging. For all I know I may be the only one who reads my blog. That's not true! My mother will.

This blog is not intended to give you the history my life, although you will get a glimpse now and then. The intent is to share stories. Stories some of which are a part of my family's life and some which I have heard or read about.

In any case they will all have a lesson to share. I hope they make you think. I hope you enjoy them. But most of all I hope it helps you in your daily walk with our Lord.



  1. Your sister will read them too!

  2. Hi Danny, I have been so busy taking care of Mom's estate that I had not read your blog until today. You have some powerful messages in your blog. Thank you. You brought back memories of our growing up. I was surprised that you have not told the story of your football days. I still remember coming to the hosp and seeing you and how thankful I was you were not going to be paralyzed. God could not have picked better parents for Scottie. I admire you and Kathy for your gift you have given him, a life time of unconditional love. Your cousin Norma
