Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Joy of Giving
One of my favorite little stories is about a little boy named, Tim. Tim was not popular at school, often made fun of and constantly teased. His mother knew that he was picked on and as any mother would, felt sorry for him and his situation.
One Valentine’s Day the kids decorated boxes and were to bring Valentines to school the next day to put in the boxes. Tim was excited as he and his mother went to the store to pick out the cards. Tim’s mother kept wondering, but hoping that Tim would get some cards in his box. It was hard to bear the thought that he may just be left out.
When they arrived home, Tim looked over each card, picking the ones he wanted to give to each person and then very carefully signed the cards, placed them in the envelopes and wrote the student’s name on the outside in his large crooked letters.  When done he neatly stacked all the cards on the table by his bed in order not to forget them the next morning. It was hard going to bed due to the excitement he was feeling.
The next morning as his mother watched him leave the house and head to the bus stop her heart was heavy with concern. Would he be bringing home Valentines or would the kids treat him in the same uncaring manner. She told herself she’d make some brownies and have them ready when he came hope to cheer him up if things didn’t go well.
She waited impatiently for the bus to return that afternoon. As the bus made its stop she saw Tim getting off the bus and as he walked to the door she saw his head down and shaking back and forth. As he moved closer she heard him say softly, “not a one.” Her heart sank and tears began to form. Then as Tim stepped in the door, he raised his head, looked at his mom, smiled and said, “Not a one. I didn’t forget a single one.”
It makes me realize that the happiness and excitement we receive in life comes mostly, not from what we receive, but through what we give. Paul points this out in Acts 20:35 when he remembers something that Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. I’m glad Paul remembered that, since it is not in the Gospel accounts. But whenever he said it, it made an impression on him. Jesus was constantly tell people to love one another, to help each other and to give freely of ourselves.
Why? Maybe it’s because when we give from the heart it is also giving back to ourselves. We feel joy when we make someone happy. We feel excited when they are excited. We shed tears with their good fortune and grateful when they are blessed.
Kindling the excitement of giving is what brings joy to an individual and to a church. Always being concerned about “What am I going to get out of it” harbors selfishness and dissension. A truly happy congregation, I believe is one whose heart is constantly praying for others, reaching out to those in need and more concerned about others than themselves. Most of all when we give it not only fills our hearts but more importantly it pleases God.
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:16