I believe it all started with Kraft. It was on that day when I opened the bag of caramels and discovered it wasn’t there that I began to realize that things had changed. I thought little of it at the time, but when I opened the second bag and found the same thing was missing, it was then that I knew the end was near. It wasn’t there and chances are it never would be again. I was disheartened at the change; a change in something that had been an American staple for all the years that I grew up. It was something my brother, sister and I fought over with each opened bag, but now it was gone. When did it happen? Was it when Nabisco bought them out? Was it before that, just to cut costs? Why change? Why leave out the single most important part of the bag? Tears come to my eyes as I think of that one lonesome chocolate fudge caramel once hidden in each bag and the loss haunts the memories of my childhood!
Change is something that has slowly slipped into our world and it is disheartening and confusing at times. Remember when a five pound bag of sugar was five pounds? Now it’s only four. For Christmas my mom would always give me a box of chocolate covered cherries; twenty to a box. Suddenly there were only 16 and the last box was only 12. The box was about the same size but the contents had gone down dramatically. Frankfurters are now 8 to a package instead of 10. Of course that one was logical since buns were always eight to a package, but I suspect any day now that will change to 6. This week all of a sudden the bread was shorter and sure enough, it was now one and a fourth pounds instead of one and a half. A sixteen ounce can of green beans is now fourteen and a half ounces, a pound of coffee is thirteen and an half ounces and baking chocolate has dropped two ounces in some brands, while cupcakes and Twinkies are down a third.
Oh, and it’s not only the food industry. A two by four is now a one and three-fourths by three and three fourths, while a three quarter inch sheet of plywood is now only twenty-three thirty seconds. So why, are they still called two by fours and three quarter inch plywood?
And by the way, did you know that the 400 meter dash is only 437.44 yards and the 1600 meter run is 10 yards short of a mile! Now when did that one slip in on us?
Change can quietly slip up on us and as a result can make life very frustrating. We get comfortable and secure in knowing things are dependable, when suddenly, without warning, we get caught off guard when quietly our security is torn out from under us.
In this world of change, however, there is one thing that never changes, Jesus Christ. The Hebrews writer tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (13:8) No matter what happens in the world we live in this is the one foundation stone on which we can continually trust. It is the one place we can always, from now and forever, turn to for security.
By the way I’m thinking of petitioning Kraft to bring back the fudge caramel in the regular bag of caramels. Some things just shouldn’t change!
Change is something that has slowly slipped into our world and it is disheartening and confusing at times. Remember when a five pound bag of sugar was five pounds? Now it’s only four. For Christmas my mom would always give me a box of chocolate covered cherries; twenty to a box. Suddenly there were only 16 and the last box was only 12. The box was about the same size but the contents had gone down dramatically. Frankfurters are now 8 to a package instead of 10. Of course that one was logical since buns were always eight to a package, but I suspect any day now that will change to 6. This week all of a sudden the bread was shorter and sure enough, it was now one and a fourth pounds instead of one and a half. A sixteen ounce can of green beans is now fourteen and a half ounces, a pound of coffee is thirteen and an half ounces and baking chocolate has dropped two ounces in some brands, while cupcakes and Twinkies are down a third.
Oh, and it’s not only the food industry. A two by four is now a one and three-fourths by three and three fourths, while a three quarter inch sheet of plywood is now only twenty-three thirty seconds. So why, are they still called two by fours and three quarter inch plywood?
And by the way, did you know that the 400 meter dash is only 437.44 yards and the 1600 meter run is 10 yards short of a mile! Now when did that one slip in on us?
Change can quietly slip up on us and as a result can make life very frustrating. We get comfortable and secure in knowing things are dependable, when suddenly, without warning, we get caught off guard when quietly our security is torn out from under us.
In this world of change, however, there is one thing that never changes, Jesus Christ. The Hebrews writer tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (13:8) No matter what happens in the world we live in this is the one foundation stone on which we can continually trust. It is the one place we can always, from now and forever, turn to for security.
By the way I’m thinking of petitioning Kraft to bring back the fudge caramel in the regular bag of caramels. Some things just shouldn’t change!
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