One of the most controversial propositions in the 2010 Republican primary is Proposition #4. In fact it's bringing more attention than the Perry-Hutchinson Governors race. Proposition #4 states:
Public Acknowledgment of God - The use of the word "God," prayers and the Ten Commandments should be allowed at public gatherings and public educational institutions, as well as permitted on government buildings and property. - YES or NO
Go online and you'll get all types of reactions most positive but also several calling Texans, idiots, loons and a few names I can't print here. It's strange I didn't hear this kind of uproar when one person would take an entire school district to court and win a decision that would keep hundreds from saying a prayer publicly before a football game or graduation ceremony.
What's really sad to me is that this type of proposition has to be on the ballot at all. It will overwhelmingly pass on the GOP ballot. But that's as far as it will probably go. Why? There are actually two reasons. First, most Christians leave Christianity out of politics. It's rare even to see a politician really let his Christian faith be shown once in public office. Secondly, Christians do not stand up for Christ in public the way we should.
Why is the Muslim religion the fastest growing religion in the world today? Part of it is because they take it seriously. They honor God and do not allow anyone to desecrate his name. Christians go to movies and are entertained by shows that continually abuse the names of God and Jesus. Muslims pray at least five times a day. Christians pray on Sunday and sometimes at meal times. Muslims are required to give a certain percentage of everything they own, not just their income. Christians for the most part will give a percentage of whatever is left over.
To let the world know what we stand for shouldn't take a ballot. It doesn't take violence. It doesn't demand that we walk around with a "better than you" attitude. It simply takes standing up for Christ everywhere we turn. Christianity is still the largest religious group in the United States. For Christ to win we don't have to force it down people's throats, we just have to live it even in the face of verbal persecution.
If we don't like the movies that are being made, then don't go. I guarantee you that the face of movies would change if the Christians of this country stopped pouring our money into them at the box office. The law says we can't have a prayer over the loud speaker, but nothing says a fan can't start the Lord's prayer in the stands. I would wager (if I did anyway) if someone did start the Lord's Prayer in the stands basically the entire stadium would join in.
The strongest power in this country is that of God the Father and Jesus Christ being lived in the lives of individuals. If Christians would just live like Christians, let their faith be seen in actions and words then I believe we'd see a changed country.
Proposition #4 may never get passed the Republican agenda. But that doesn't mean that God is silenced. Only Christians have the power to silence the name of God.
Public Acknowledgment of God - The use of the word "God," prayers and the Ten Commandments should be allowed at public gatherings and public educational institutions, as well as permitted on government buildings and property. - YES or NO
Go online and you'll get all types of reactions most positive but also several calling Texans, idiots, loons and a few names I can't print here. It's strange I didn't hear this kind of uproar when one person would take an entire school district to court and win a decision that would keep hundreds from saying a prayer publicly before a football game or graduation ceremony.
What's really sad to me is that this type of proposition has to be on the ballot at all. It will overwhelmingly pass on the GOP ballot. But that's as far as it will probably go. Why? There are actually two reasons. First, most Christians leave Christianity out of politics. It's rare even to see a politician really let his Christian faith be shown once in public office. Secondly, Christians do not stand up for Christ in public the way we should.
Why is the Muslim religion the fastest growing religion in the world today? Part of it is because they take it seriously. They honor God and do not allow anyone to desecrate his name. Christians go to movies and are entertained by shows that continually abuse the names of God and Jesus. Muslims pray at least five times a day. Christians pray on Sunday and sometimes at meal times. Muslims are required to give a certain percentage of everything they own, not just their income. Christians for the most part will give a percentage of whatever is left over.
To let the world know what we stand for shouldn't take a ballot. It doesn't take violence. It doesn't demand that we walk around with a "better than you" attitude. It simply takes standing up for Christ everywhere we turn. Christianity is still the largest religious group in the United States. For Christ to win we don't have to force it down people's throats, we just have to live it even in the face of verbal persecution.
If we don't like the movies that are being made, then don't go. I guarantee you that the face of movies would change if the Christians of this country stopped pouring our money into them at the box office. The law says we can't have a prayer over the loud speaker, but nothing says a fan can't start the Lord's prayer in the stands. I would wager (if I did anyway) if someone did start the Lord's Prayer in the stands basically the entire stadium would join in.
The strongest power in this country is that of God the Father and Jesus Christ being lived in the lives of individuals. If Christians would just live like Christians, let their faith be seen in actions and words then I believe we'd see a changed country.
Proposition #4 may never get passed the Republican agenda. But that doesn't mean that God is silenced. Only Christians have the power to silence the name of God.
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