As I stepped on the scales this morning the LED screen came on flickered a little then went blank. Maybe it needs a new battery I was thinking, but I stepped off and then on again. Nothing. But the battery isn't that old was my thinking so I tried it one more time. This time it worked but when it stopped on my weight I was positive it needed a new battery since the number was obviously inflated!
It's that time of year again. Everyone is making their New Year Resolutions. Mostly I see the same ones in some form or fashion: lose weight, get in shape, quit some bad habit. read the Bible daily, get organized, get out of debt, keep in touch with family, etc. The list goes on and on; same lists new year.
In reality they aren't really resolutions, but admirable goals. You see, a goal is something we want to achieve. It's something to shoot for and keep in our sights. If we don't reach it we'll try again. Every year I set goals, most of which are not kept to the one hundred percent level, but only in part. I can only remember keeping one New Year resolution in my life.
A resolution on the other hand is the way we approach our goals. We are looking for reSOLUTIONS to areas we feel we are lacking. We're trying to find a way to solve them and make ourselves a better individual. To be resolved means to make up your mind that you are going to be successful. To be resolute carries the meaning of being firm, stubborn, steadfast, tenacious and unwavering.
The reason we don't keep our resolutions is primarily because we don't have a resolute attitude. Many of us start out and then get the "loser's limp". You know what that is don't you? You've seen it. You watch a race and see an athlete who sees that he is going to lose usually in an embarrassing way so to save face he reaches back and grabs the back of his thigh as if he's pulled a muscle or maybe she starts hoping on one foot as if she turned an ankle. The crowd responds with empathy and the athlete doesn't look so bad for not fulfilling his or her goal. They were saved by the "loser's limp".
Paul wrote to the Corinthians "Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."
As you consider your goals, if they are worthy make them true resolutions. But make the first one to be like Jesus. Then, when you have achieved them you can be as Paul when he said in a letter to Timothy "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
As I sit here writing this and sipping on my cup of black coffee, I'm reminded of the only New Year resolution I really ever kept made some 30 years ago. No more sugar or cream in my coffee. Not a biggie, but it does show that anything we set our minds to can be accomplished and stuck with.
Have a great New Year. For me, I'm changing the battery out of my scales today.
It's that time of year again. Everyone is making their New Year Resolutions. Mostly I see the same ones in some form or fashion: lose weight, get in shape, quit some bad habit. read the Bible daily, get organized, get out of debt, keep in touch with family, etc. The list goes on and on; same lists new year.
In reality they aren't really resolutions, but admirable goals. You see, a goal is something we want to achieve. It's something to shoot for and keep in our sights. If we don't reach it we'll try again. Every year I set goals, most of which are not kept to the one hundred percent level, but only in part. I can only remember keeping one New Year resolution in my life.
A resolution on the other hand is the way we approach our goals. We are looking for reSOLUTIONS to areas we feel we are lacking. We're trying to find a way to solve them and make ourselves a better individual. To be resolved means to make up your mind that you are going to be successful. To be resolute carries the meaning of being firm, stubborn, steadfast, tenacious and unwavering.
The reason we don't keep our resolutions is primarily because we don't have a resolute attitude. Many of us start out and then get the "loser's limp". You know what that is don't you? You've seen it. You watch a race and see an athlete who sees that he is going to lose usually in an embarrassing way so to save face he reaches back and grabs the back of his thigh as if he's pulled a muscle or maybe she starts hoping on one foot as if she turned an ankle. The crowd responds with empathy and the athlete doesn't look so bad for not fulfilling his or her goal. They were saved by the "loser's limp".
Paul wrote to the Corinthians "Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."
As you consider your goals, if they are worthy make them true resolutions. But make the first one to be like Jesus. Then, when you have achieved them you can be as Paul when he said in a letter to Timothy "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
As I sit here writing this and sipping on my cup of black coffee, I'm reminded of the only New Year resolution I really ever kept made some 30 years ago. No more sugar or cream in my coffee. Not a biggie, but it does show that anything we set our minds to can be accomplished and stuck with.
Have a great New Year. For me, I'm changing the battery out of my scales today.
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